Service industries have become the most important sector of our economy. Make no mistake; we are all in the service industry, regardless of whether we have a product or service. Increasing competition, change, diversity, customer sophistication, and consumer demands for superior customer service, all call for ways to reduce pressure on beleaguered employees, while at the same time raise job performance levels.
Our Services Include:

Customer service expert
Amazon bestselling author.
Published over 15 books.
Customer Service Trainings:
- Front Lines/Supervisors
- Train the Trainers
- Self directed programs
- Certification programs
Keynote Speaker
Following are the results of my case study for my doctorate on The Impact of Conflict Management Training on Customer Service Delivery. This took place at Connecticut Light & Power a subsidiary of Northeast Utilities, a holding company that furnishes electric service in most of Connecticut, New Hampshire and western Massachusetts. The scientifically quantifiable results included:
- Decrease in job tension
- Increase in communication skills
- Increase in empathetic responsiveness
- Increase in job performance
- Reduced the length of call by 22.3 seconds which in this study represented a savings of approximately $335,000 per year or 7 employees, and
- Improved customer satisfaction 9.3% for High Bill calls and 7% overall.
These results afford management an opportunity to view their employees as part of their organization’s income producing marketing strategies, as opposed to viewing them as a cost that needs to be minimized, or is the first to go in a crunch. As this trend continues traditional organizational obsession with the bottom line to the exclusion of relationship concerns is increasingly counterproductive.
As a business owner/COO/CFO, you face the challenge of increasing workplace efficiency and employee satisfaction. Schedule a free consultation today to see how we can help you achieve your goals.
Research indicates that 70% of customers lost by 13 big service and manufacturing companies were lost due to lack of attention from front line employees.
Even today with remote workers, turnover stats remain at 30-40% in the call center industry.

Here’s an example of a 100 person call center with these statistics:
75% Attendance (how often an employee is absent from work excluding excused absences like vacation, jury duty, etc)
82% Adherence (percent of time an employee logs in on time or start of shift, return from breaks, return from lunch, etc)
60% Occupancy (how often an employee is actually doing his/her specified job for which he/she is paid i.e., talking with a caller)
What does this all mean for a 100 person center?
- 75% attendance -75 people These are the people who are at work
- 82% adherence – 61.5 of the people are on time
- 60% occupancy 36.9 pp are doing their job, being productive
And you are paying for? 100! That means 63 people are goofing off!
Using 100 people again your goals should be:
- 90% attendance
- 85% adherence to schedule
- 80% occupancy
THEN: 100 person center:
- 90% attendance – 90 people are at work
- 85% adherence – 76.5 of the people are on time
- 80% occupancy – 61.2 doing their job, being productive
Plug in your own numbers to get your own results.