Increase Productivity An Average 8%*
A recent independent study demonstrated an increase in success of sales training from between 6% and 16% in companies that use PC Mirrors. This study, performed in numrous companies in different occupations throughout the country, depicted the importance of a large mirror that was always present for people using the telephone to conduct their business.
Do you want to increase your productivity and the productivity of your team? I hope your answer is yes to both.
A recent independent study demonstrated an increase in telephone success rate by over 8%* in companies that used PC Mirror.
This study, performed in numerous companies in different occupations throughout the country, depicted the importance of a large mirror that was always present for people using the telephone to conduct their business.
Many companies require their front-line employees or salespeople to use a mirror when they make phone calls. Why?
Reason #1 is when they get “rattled” from a previous call, viewing themselves in a mirror helps them more rapidly rebuild their composure and regain their effectiveness.
Reason #2 is that people can tell when someone is smiling or pleased. Those feelings are – often – unconsciously transmitted to the person they are speaking with. A smiling or unruffled person is much more effective when making or receiving telephone calls.
Reason #3 is that people can use PAT. What is your Posture, what is your Attitude, and what is your Tone of voice.
Now there’s proof for the old adage “People can ‘hear’ you smile.”
We here at Human Technologies Global recommend this mirror to the groups we train, particularly since experience shows that mirrors represent an extremely cost effective yet simple way of increasing efficiency
The features are:
Large 4” x 4” mirror allows you to view your entire face
Hinged – allows the flexibility to fold out when you need it;
back flush when you don’t
High quality construction/patented design
Installs quickly and easily with special tape
Attaches to any monitor, laptop or flat surface
Instructions included
Price: $15.50 plus shipping and handling
Customization available with your company’s information on the mirror or on the frame (minimums apply).
For quantity orders, please contact me.
Note: My picture is not included with the mirrors.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
*Results are from a nationwide study. There is no guarantee that you will experience the same results.