Tips are functional, achievable, and actionable. Through Rosanne’s professional quest to “humanize” customer service, she has gathered ideas from many sources, and shares them with us.
Customer Service Expert Gives Out the Secrets for Customer Service Success that Most Companies Don’t Know Including How To Really Explode Your Business, Retain Your Customers, Measure Your Success, and Positively Impact Your Bottom Line!
If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you got!
It’s the definition of insanity–doing the same thing over and over again expecting the results to be different.
Did you know?
6 out of 10 consumers switched providers in one or more industries because of poor customer service. Was your company impacted? What is your cost of your lost customer? What is the cost of dissatisfaction with your company? What is the cost of employee dissatisfaction and turnover? What is your investment to obtain a new or potential customer?
If you know your numbers, these 202 tips can help lower your losses.
If you don’t know your numbers, these tips will inform you how to calculate your numbers. You will get industry standards to benchmark yourself against.
Volume I and II are $94 plus shipping and handling
Customer Service Expert, Rosanne D’Ausilio, Ph.D., reveals the insider tips you need to know to propel your customer service up a notch, and give your organization an edge over the competition.
Rosanne is an industrial psychologist, master trainer, business coach/ consultant, and president of Human Technologies Global, known in the industry as the “practical champion of the human.” Her expertise makes her a much-sought-after speaker and she advises many organizations on how to improve their performance–kick it up a notch! She has written 15 best sellers: Wake Up Your Call Center: Humanize Your Interaction Hub, 4th ed, Customer Service and The Human Experience (co-authored with Dr. Jon Anton), Lay Your Cards on the Table: 52 Ways to Stack Your Personal Deck, The Expert’s Guide to Customer Service, and the above two volumes of 202 tips.plus Kindle and Amazon titles.
Topics included (among others):
A.D.D.I.E. – Assessment Process Employee Accountability
First Call Resolution The Human Challenges of Email
Common (or Not So Common) Decency Voice Verification vs. Speech Recognition
Change Management Verbal Patterns of Communication
Upset Formula Effective Listening
Thinking Traps Spacing Out
Mission Statements After Call Process
Metrics Productive Worrying
Finding Your Customer’s Why Giving Compliments
Exit Interviews Outsourcing Sam Walton’s 10 Rules
The 80%/20% Rule
What are people saying?
Tips described in this book are functional, achievable, and actionable. Through Rosanne’s professional quest to “humanize” customer service, she has gathered ideas from many sources, and shares them with us in this book. A strong belief of mine, and the philosophy of my worldwide benchmarking efforts is: “All of us are smarter than any one of us.” In my opinion, this concept is what makes Rosanne’s new book a “must-read” for all. In short, by understanding what works for others, through Rosanne’s Tips, you can implement them, where applicable, at your own companies. Dr. Jon Anton, Adjunct Professor, Purdue University Center for Customer-Driven Quality.
I appreciate these tips as it helps me to better understand what is “standard” customer service expectations.
These tips are great! So many of the topics you cover in there hit close to home. Just wanted to give you some feedback. Thank you for the opportunity.
Thank you, Dr. Rosanne, for that true and encouraging Tip #47. I will remember reading this on the next encounter with the next person!!
I am enjoying receiving your Human Tech Tips! I really appreciate the info you provide.
I have been subscribed to these e-mails for a few months now and I find them most interesting and helpful, as do my colleagues.
Just a word of gratitude to say how much I appreciate reading your tips. I have been faced with a stressful crisis recently and the tips are all valuable to helping me recover.
I’m manager & owner of a small press company and we have a small and family-like atmosphere. It’s special but like a small family – sometimes I feel like I’m the parent and I have children moaning to me about the others’ behavior. Your recent articles about conflict are absolutely perfect and have provided me with much needed wise guidance.
The leading edge never felt so smooth and understandable. Author, speaker and thought leader, Rosanne D’Ausilio brings her unique brand of service-oriented insight to her work.
Rosanne chose the right name for her company: Human Technologies. She never forgets that people are at the heart of technical advancement and service excellence. Her professional integrity and perfectionist’s approach to problem solving have made her a resource people turn to for fresh thinking and practical solutions. She is seen by many as a Johnny Appleseed of best practices, spreading around her helpful hints, which grow and add value wherever they take root.
uce Belfiore,Chairman
If you’re looking for someone with powerful information and strategies to help you then Rosanne is the one you absolutely “MUST” listen to! Never in my life have I met someone so candid and full of such integrity. Thank you Rosanne thank you for everything!
Matt Bacak.
Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC Atlanta, GA
For further information, contact Rosanne D’Ausilio at 845/520-6432