The Expert’s Guide to Customer Service, Volume I and II
What’s in these Guides? Most Important Metric to Gauge Your Customer Service Success (or failure), Are Your Employees Engaged, Are You Managing or Parenting Your Staff just to name a few.
Isn’t it Time You Improved Your Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction?
Some of the topics, issues, and questions addressed include:
Are you taking care of your employees?
Are you taking care of your customers?
Do you know your customers?
Do you measure customer churn?
Do you provide ongoing customer service skills training?
Do you know how to rub numbers together and check your productivity?
Is Presenteeism rampant in your organization?
The Most Important Metric to Gauge Your Customer Service Success (or Failure)
Are Your Employees Engaged?
Are you Managing or Parenting Your Staff?
Stirring Social Media into Your Support Channel Mix
Quality Customer Service Does Exist
From Satisfied to Loyal: The Human Path
Training Update and My 2 Cents Worth
First Call Resolution: Still #1 Driver
What Are Your Customer’s Demographics?
Do You Know What a Bad Call Experience Costs You?
plus many formulas for you to utilize.
These Guides are immediately available for you in downloadable form.
They are regularly $19.97 each – but this special offer has them both for US$29.97 – so act promptly as this offer can be withdrawn at any time. You read that correctly. Volume I and II are US$29.97.
The leading edge never felt so smooth and understandable. Author, speaker and thought leader, Rosanne D’Ausilio brings her unique brand of service-oriented insight to her work. Rosanne chose the right name for her company: Human Technologies. She never forgets that people are at the heart of technical advancement and service excellence. Her professional integrity and perfectionist’s approach to problem solving have made her a resource people turn to for fresh thinking and practical solutions. She is seen by many as a Johnny Appleseed of best practices, spreading around her helpful hints, which grow and add value wherever they take root.
Bruce Belfiore,Chairman
If you’re looking for someone with powerful information and strategies to help you then Rosanne is the one you absolutely “MUST” listen to! Never in my life have I met someone so candid and full of such integrity. Thank you Rosanne thank you for everything!
Matt Bacak.
Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC Atlanta, GA
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Any questions, please contact me at rosanne@human-technologies.com