In the Chinese language the word and symbol for crisis is the same as the word and symbol for opportunity.
Literally translated it is ‘crisis is an opportunity riding on the dangerous wind.’*
This means it comes down to perception. How do I see this issue, this customer, this current economic downturn, my life, my career, my future, and your life, your career, your future.
Because of all that is in the media–which is either negative or fear based–it’s not easy to shift your perception. That is not to say that there isn’t reality in some of what’s being reported. Scams, layoffs, bankruptcies, and companies, pensions, bonuses, even people who used to be count-on-able seem to be no longer.
What I see as happening is people are in ‘frozen mode’ not making any changes, nor any investment in themselves.
With all the uncertainty out there, there is someone who is count-on-able and that is you. And when this time in our history passes—which it will—you (and I) will still be here. Who we are and how we handle ourselves will get us through.
I believe this is the time to take great care of yourself, of your teams, your co-workers, your peers, your customers, and your family.
And one certain count-on-able way is to hire a coach, someone who is your mentor, your cheer leader, who pushes you out of your comfort zone and supports you in reaching or surpassing your goals.
Here are some of the results of the Landmark ICF Global Coaching Client Study of a few years ago:
96.2 % of coaching clients report they would repeat their coaching experience.
82.7 % of coaching clients report they are “very satisfied” with their coaching experience.
The top three motivations for obtaining coaching are:
1) 40.9% Self-esteem/Self-confidence
2) 35.6% Work/Life Balance
3) 26.8% Career Opportunities
Can you relate?
Demographics include:
- 9% between 36 and 45 years old
- 65% are female
- The duration for the average coaching relationship for survey participants was 12.8 months.
- More male dominated than female
- At the corporate level there needs to be a beginning and an end, i.e., 10 sessions at a time
- upper level management – ongoing
Do you fit in here?
Further, executive coaching statistics include benefits such as:
- 77% Improvement in Relationships with Direct Reports
- 71% Increase in Relationships with Immediate Supervisors
- 67% Increase in Teamwork
- 63% Increase in Relationships with Peers
- 61% Increase in Job Satisfaction
- 44% Increase in Organizational Commitment
- 37% improvement in Relationships with Clients
(McGovern, Lindemann, Vergara, Murphy, Barker and Warrenfeltz with Manchester, Inc.)
The purposes of coaching to my way of thinking include, but are not limited to:
- Establishing Goals/Focus
- Determining Obstacles
- Creating Priorities
- Identify Challenges/Limited Belief Systems
- Internal/External Expectations
- Generating Boundaries
- Articulating Communication
- Influencing/Empowering Others
In business applications, benefits recorded in a study conducted by Manchester Inc reflect:
Tangible Business Impacts
53% Productivity
48% Quality
48% Organizational Strength
39% Customer Service
34% Reduced Complaints
22% Bottom Line Profitability
12% Reduced Turnover
I think it bears repeating that these are tangible, measurable results as reported by executives.
Again, when you take great care of your people, they take great care of your customers. And it starts with YOU.
* Excerpted from Wake Up Your Call Center: Humanize Your Interaction Hub, 4th edition by Rosanne D’Ausilio, PhD, Purdue University Press, p. 169 with permission,