An intimate and soul-searching chronicle of Rosanne’s transformation from seeing her father as a source of pain, hurt, and fear to embracing the healing power of compassion, generosity, and forgiveness.
Rosanne shares her tumultuous yet redemptive relationship with her father. —a saga where moments of sheer joy collide with gut-wrenching heartache and revelations so bittersweet, they’ll bring tears to your eyes. From the haunting image of a young girl dressed in a yellow pinafore, white socks, and shoes, afraid to smile, to the heartwarming camaraderie of Sunday morning adventures to the bakery, where they indulged in watermelon-sized pumpernickel bread and witnessed the magic of coconut bars being meticulously crafted.
Hold on tight as her extraordinary journey is punctuated by tales of Divine Intervention (DI’s), jaw-dropping moments that defy logic. Pivotal moments that shaped her perceptions and personal growth. Her understanding of her father evolves with every revelation, peeling back layers of miscommunication and seething resentment to expose the electrifying potential of forgiveness. Each story is a testament to her mind-bending evolution and the awe-inspiring resilience of the human spirit.
Rosanne’s writing is a force to be reckoned with–vivid descriptions and an attention to detail as sharp as a lightning bolt. Her style doesn’t just draw you in; it kidnaps your senses, thrusting you headfirst into her world, forcing you to experience her memories and emotions as if they were yours. Brace yourself for a journey of healing that will leave you forever changed.
At its core, this memoir is proof of the remarkable capacity for change and healing that resides within us all. With a reflective style, Rosanne offers a universal message of hope and redemption. Her words inspire us to reflect on our own relationships, encouraging us to embrace the profound metamorphosis that love can bring.
A sample—one of my favorites:
“I always believed I was his favorite. At least he made me feel that way. In Anne Lamott’s book Bird by Bird, she talks about her father, and it rings true for me:
“He’d almost always be happy to see me. He could make me feel great. It’s so different having a living father who loves you, even someone complex and imperfect. After your father dies, defeat becomes pretty defeating. When he’s still alive, there are setbacks and heartbreak, but you’re still the apple of someone’s eye.”[1]
Have you ever had the experience of being with someone and feeling that space is sacred, safe, and special, that no words were needed? I have too, albeit those times are rare but memorable. It felt like if you spoke, it would take away from the moment.
The opposite is an uncomfortable silence, felt as stress, anger, and sometimes fear. At the very least, it’s like walking on eggshells and not knowing what to do or say. Taken to an extreme, you might think it was your fault. I experienced all of these in this book, in these vignettes, and especially in this story. This is a common occurrence in my memories of the time spent with my father.
In my stories lives the possibility for you to:
- Shift your perceptions.
- Find compassion.
- Make peace with your past
- Experience freedom and
- Raise awareness of your DI’s (Divine Intervention).
Made it to #1 on Amazon New Releases in Family & Inspirational Spirituality 
This book turned into a healing for me – never saw it coming but it was and continues to be profound in its gifts. I hope it does the same for you.
To buy the paperback https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW96SYYV
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1: Annie Lamott, Bird by Bird, Knoph Doubleday Publishing Group 2007, p 22